Customer Service
The Fort Valley Utility Commission Customer Service Department is responsible for providing prompt, courteous, and efficient service for the Commission‘s utility customers in Fort Valley, Georgia and surrounding areas. Customer Service handles applications for new and existing services relating to electric, water, wastewater, natural gas, fiber optic, and wireless telecommunications. Please call us at 478-825-7701 Ext 113, or email us at
Customer Service
Darwin Ross | Customer Service Manager | Ext 212 | |
Customer Service | General Info | Ext 113 | |

Please come here first for:
New Customer Application - Online Upload New Service DocumentsONLINE FORMS
- New Service Application Residential (Online)
- Discontinue Utility Service
- Reconnect Utility Service
- Utility Billing Change Form
- Meter Re-Read Form
- Automatic Bank Draft Form (PDF)
- New Customer Information (PDF) - (Nueva Informacion Para El Cliente)
- New Service Application Residential (PDF) - (Aplicacion para Servicios Nuevos)
- New Service Application Commercial (PDF)
- 12-Month Average Plan Agreement (PDF) - (Plan Presupuesto Promedio)
- Security Light Application (PDF) - (Aplicacion para Luces de Seguridad)
- Payment Assistance (PDF)
- 65+ Utility Discount (PDF) - The Utility Commission offers a 5% discount to customers who are 65 or older on electric, gas, water, and wastewater residential services. To qualify for the discount you must show proof of age, the account must be in your name, and you must reside at the location. To apply for your discount, come into our offices during business hours.
Ways to Pay Your Utility Bill
You can pay online with a credit card (MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Visa). Click the green Pay Bill Online button to the right. You can also click here for instructions on how to set up your account.
You can also pay:
- At our Customer Engagement Center: 902 Knoxville St, Fort Valley, GA 31030. We are open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We accept cash, check, & credit card.
- Pay by phone at 478-825-7703
- At our drop box at the Customer Engagement Center – 902 Knoxville St, Fort Valley, GA
- Gas payments for residents of Roberta and Crawford County can be made at the City Hall in Roberta at 123 E. Agency Street.
Tired of High Bills … Try Budget Billing!
When temperatures drop, our heaters work harder to maintain the temperature we select.
The same occurs in the summer when the air conditioner constantly runs to keep us cool. In both instances, utility bills tend to be higher than when temperatures are milder.
If you are tired of high bills in the summer and winter, you may want to consider signing up for the 12-month average payment plan. Once you sign up for the 12-month average plan, your payment will be calculated by taking the current month’s actual charges (including taxes) plus the actual charges for the 11 preceding months, then dividing by 12 to calculate the 12-month average. This average will be the amount due and will vary slightly from month to month.
To qualify for the plan, you must have resided at your current residence for at least one year so the system can calculate the 12-month average payment. In addition, the account must have a zero balance and have a good payment history (no late fee or returned check fee for the previous 6 months). When you move or final the account, you will be responsible for any balance due if applicable. The Fort Valley Utility Commission reserves the right to periodically audit the 12-month average plan accounts and request payment due if the account is building an arrears.
Call Customer Service at 825-7701, option 3 if you would like more information on this plan.